Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I went out to Patisserie Bernard to get a baguette jambon & fromage sandwich at lunch. WHen I wrapped up there and walked out I heard the unmistakable sound of metal crunching. Sure enough at the corner where I turn to go back to work, I think it's des Laurentides and Dagenais where the MacDonald's is, two and perhaps three cars were strewn all over the place with glass and metal everywhere.

I'm not sure what happened but a little white Chevy, their smallest model (not sure of the name) had a huge crash mark on the left side. A gold colour Cavelier was up on the median and had knocked over one of thise huge flower pots into the other lane. It was crunched up on it's side and front... and I think a car on the other side got hit too but not sure. The flower pot had spilled all it's contents into the road.. they are huge and heavy so it much have impacted it pretty hard.

No one seemed to be hurt but people were all about looking pretty shook up. Mostly women but some kids bikes to so perhaps they crossed on a red and threw off the driver causing the accident.. dunno but all the cars had major damage. I had to go up and around des Laurentides to get around them. That must be a sickening feeling for the drivers. I remember my accident, where else but on the Met right before the spot where you see the blue car in the photo of the rain. It's frustrating and annoying because it didn't have to happen and of course the follow up with insurance, repairs and the dealers are aggrivating and time consuming. I feel for them but I'll bet it happened over something stupid..

Update... the drive home tonight was sweet... a breeze.. listening to the Black Eyed Peas all the way home. Funky stuff. Here's some pics of nature at it's best..


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