Past Life Regression
The CBC tonight ran a documentary/investigative show on past lives. I have to admit it was rather interesting. A woman in Ontario was put under hypnosis and went back through six lives her subconscious revealed to her. Of course no one knows if it's true but you can't help but be intrigued. She claimed under hypnosis she lived in Africa, Russia, Germany and other parts of the world.
The female investigator picked one of the lives, as a male farmer named Karl who lived outside of Hamburg in the 1830s and went back to the area where she claimed she lived. She found a church and various things that came up in the hypnotic regression, flew the Canadian women over to the location and went through it all with her. The subject was highly emotional. The hypnosis data was vague and general in many instances, probably nothing to really take too seriously but still enough to make it interesting.
I have no clue if any of this could be true but it would be interesting to think we can come back and live other lives in the future. I've always felt that it would take several lives and the experiences in those lives to broaden and develope our individual souls. It would also give us reason to work towards building a better future in our current lives so we can benefit from it in our next lifetime... so giving purpose to humanity's constant drive to develop, build, explore and invent. It can explain why we are so driven even if in the end we all know we will die. Yes most people do it for their children's future but perhaps subconsciously we do it for ourselves as well. It would also clarify why some people come to Earth for very short periods of time and die young. Perhaps it was a mini project in between major lives.
If I look at my own life there are things that I've been fascinated with for no explainable reason. Aviation is one. No one in my family is an aviator or any sort.. past or present. I've loved planes from the beginning and was perhaps stimulated by a flight to London England when I was two years old. In fact I'm fascinated by anything in the sky as I'm always looking upwards when I'm outside. I've been fascinated by African and Egyptian cultures as well as two periods in British History, the 19th century and Tudor England back in the 16th century. Each one being a preoccupation of mine at different times in my life. Arab, Asian and South American cultures seem much more "foreign" and distant to me. Black/American/African culture though seems to dominate now and I am strangely drawn to it but cannot say why. I also felt when in Athens a strange connection there too.. perhaps that was just a tourist thing but the sense of returning home ran through my mind several times and most strongly when I was at the Theatre of Dyonisus at the base of the Acropolis.
Personally I'd love to undergo one of those hypnotic regressions just to see what comes out. I've heard stories of people under hypnosis in these events suddenly speaking foreign languages they never spoke before... naming things and places or events that later were confirmed. Was it just part of things we already knew but forgotten or were they really things embedded in our eternal memories? Like they said at the end of the show, maybe it's just the thought of this possibly being real but the knowledge that we will never be able to confirm if that makes it all so appealing to us. Like UFOs, Ghosts, the Paranormal and other things or events like out of body and near death experiences that intrigue us and capture our imagination.
Life today is sometimes way too mechanical and scientific. Everything is somehow explainable. When I heard medical researchers claiming that certain electrodes stimulate certain parts of the brain to define and create people's feeling of love I thought about how robotic-like we may really be in the end. It all comes down to neurons, brain cells and genetic manipulation and whatever else that can be manipulated here and there to create whatever type of person you want or don't want. It begs us to ask if we are really individuals by self creation or by some explainable predefined genetic makeup that defines us and which can be completely reprogrammed to make us totally different. Are the Picasso's, Einstein's, Shakespear's, Galileo's, da Vinci's, Marco Polo's, Edison's, Wright Brothers, even Hitler's, Bin Laden's and other famous or infamous people through time really special or did they just have lucky or unlucky "wiring" in their genetic makeup? Perhaps manipulation of that will lead to the cybernetic person of the future. the so called perfect human being. Meanwhile past life regression just seems so magical and unexplainable therefore fascinating... at least until someone comes along and spoils it all for us.
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