Somedays I just want to live on a far away island
What a busy day today. I'm gearing up for a major migration of servers to Europe from our Montreal location. I was in touch all morning with my colleagues in the Netherlands trying to organize the physical transfer of the equipment. My fear is local users are not taking this seriously and people are going to be stuck with lost or missing data. You know who will face their wrath even if they've already been for warned. I need thicker walls around my office LOL.
Anyways, I find it interesting that neither Fed Ex nor UPS has delivery service in Europe on the weekends. This left me scrambling for an alternative solution. Meanwhile a major customer bombarded me all day with finicky alterations to their buying program. I gave them notice I would be wrapped up with the IT project for three weeks and it was as if they took that as a signal to bombard me with even more than the usual number of changes and alterations to their program. I kept getting e-mails that started with "I know you are busy especially in the mornings but if you can get to this I'd appreciate it... it's not pressing..." then they'd say at the end send it Fed Ex overnight... meaning it's critical.. Oyiee... Customers... well they are the centre of our universe so I guess I can't blame them. However between the two things I spent all day going in circles and somehow it will worked out.
A couple of things in the news caught my attention. Our Premier Jean Charest said we wouldn't get the tax cuts they promised us during the election. In fact taxes have actually gone up. We are the most heavily taxed people in North America. Just great. I wouldn't mind if I felt I could see the benefits of handing over a larger share of my income to the government but honestly I look at other Provinces and States and think they have more perks and programs and better roads and highways than we have. I mean it's not all bad here, far from it. I love Montreal and Quebec and feel it's a great place to live but I don't sense they government spends its money wisely. I'd like our taxes to come down to average tax levels and see some tangible benefits once in a while.
Mike Brown the former head of FEMA went before a Republican Congressional committee yesterday and put all the blame on the State and local New Orleans City governments for the delays in getting rescue aid to the people of the Gulf Coast during the first days of Katrina. The Mayor blames FEMA. The Governor said the Buck stopped at her desk but so far I haven't heard her admit to any fault other than not asking for the army to come in sooner. President Bush never suggested it to her either and yet he too hasn't offered up any real admission of blame but at least admitted it all was badly run which is more then the rest of them have done. It's become the political blame game. These are just bad politicans.
One point in Brown's hearing that I thought was interesting was revealed on ABC News last night. They said there was a secret government report that was available to FEMA and specifically Brown that stated the local New Orleans city government and the Louisiana State government were not well organized, did not communicate well and were not capable of handling a large scale disaster. It suggested to FEMA to be prepared to act on its own and make decisions on action before being asked by the local or state governments specifically because those very same governments would not be capable of reacting fast. Well that says a lot about how the US Federal government thought about the State of Louisiana and New Orleans. It also says Mike Brown should have taken control from the start and should have been leading the way for aid to get to the victims. However at the hearing he kept saying he wasn't asked to act and seemed totally ignorant of this report. He put the entire onus on the other two levels of government and denied he did anything wrong. I think he's not living in reality and still doesn't get it. The other two levels surely lived up to the Federal government's assessment of them and the US Federal government certainly didn't push much harder to go above and beyond all this to get aid to the people at all costs. Maybe Bush or his aids should have pushed Brown.
I'd still like to know if Canada would be any better... I seriously doubt it but thankfully we don't get serious hurricanes. Well maybe Newfoundland and Nova Scotia on occasion but very rarely. It's earthquakes and tornados that worry me here.
There's a weird development in the Mayoral race for Montreal's City Hall. Mayor Tremblay is using the slogan "Go Montreal". Well, someone has complained to the l'Office de la Langue Française" that it is not French and should be banned. It turns out Bill 101, our language law, allows for unilingual religious and political signs and this slogan is not breaking the law at all. Honestly some people have too much time on their hands. Even Francophones interviewed on TV had no problem with it. The use "go" in their daily speak all the time. No one at work even mentioned it. My guess is the person who complained was an Anglo trying to make a silly point about the language laws... but it back fired for whoever launched it. LOL... Go Montreal! I'd like to just go away on my own private island for a few weeks and escape all this. ahhhh....