Friday, September 16, 2005


I just finished the book Blink by Malcolm Gladwell. It's premise is that out first initial impressions of people and things often give us greater insight than does weeks of examination. To some degree I think this is true. A quick glimps of a face or a "feeling" you get when meeting or seeing someone for the first time can really quite accurately sum up what they are really like. It is clean and pure and not cluttered with all sorts of things that can throw you off once you take your time to better get to know them.

Was it a great book? No, but it was entertaining and I like reading things about human insight which this is all about. I think deep down I'd like to be able to see through people and have that edge over them. I don't know why but I do. I find the world very phoney at times. Many people walk around with different "hats" and present different faces to the world. Some are straight forward and honest about it all. I would just like to see people for who they really are.... at least in most cases. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like an interesting book. I think "hats" are always going to exists - people, by and large, will always conduct themselves appropriate to their surroundings. I think, though, the people's real faces will always show themselves over time, regardless of the setting.

5:48 PM  

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