It's over. All the running around searching for gifts... the mad crowds in shopping malls.... the crazy drivers on the highways... Within an hour it was finished. I had a nice time in Ontario. Supper was delicious. Our hosts were great as always. I got to see a high school friend I don't get to see that often and everyone seemed happy with their gifts. It amazes me though how the religious element of Christmas seems to have been taken out of the equation. It's all about eating and presents these days.
Anyways, we left Saturday morning from a very wet slushy Montreal stopping off at Les Halles d'Anjou to pick up the usual stuff from the bakery and Tim Horton's.
It was a mad house there. The place was jammed packed with people getting their last minute preparations. We ended up parking in the over flow. Eventually the pizzas were bought, I had the coffee and donuts and off we went heading for the T-Can West.
The drive to Ontario was better than any of us expected. Roads were dry and the scenery was classic Canada in winter. Lots of pretty scenery of snow covered barns and homes in the woods. I sense the density of the forests in winter more than in summer. It took around 2.1/2 hours. I listened to my first Podcast on the way up which killed some time. I kinda enjoyed that. It was a half hour comedy show from London. I didn't et all the jokes because it often had a UK focus but it was still pretty funny. They had an American country Christmas parady called "Dammit I'm Vixxen" based on Rudolf the Red Nose Raindeer song... pretty hysterical.
The city itself was gray and dull as we entered it. Traffic was surprisingly light so we had a pretty good go of it along the highway.
We arrived for Christmas eve. Everyone was in good spirits. The kids had grown a lot since the last time I saw them. Each one getting more mature and not surprisingly more cocky, especially the girls.
The parents had a surprise for one of the girls though. They bought her a Dutch Rabbit which turned out to be the definition of "cute".
They had him hidden down in a cage in the basement so the girl wouldn't know.... but of course kids are experts in deceiving their parents and as it would be she found out and faked it all along that she knew nothing. Not a good sign for her upcoming teenage years... at least not for her parents.
This makes the fourth pet to join the family. They had a dog that had got to be the best dog on the planet... so docile and relaxed. I Just want to take her home every time I see her. Sheila's dog though was a holy terror which I'll explain later. There's also a new fish as well as a psychotic bird... ...get a load of him checking me out ready and able to pounce on me if he could....
..he just creeps me out ... I wasn't sure how the bird and dog would react to the bunny but the dog turned out fine. We didn't dare let the bird out.
Anyhow Christmas Eve came up on us quite fast. The house looked like a classic Christmas setting...
We went over to the neighbour's for drinks and some food. They lived directly across the street from them and it was my first time in their home. It was quite nice, somewhat smaller and more "normal" in size but of course massive compared to my little place. One of the NHL's hockey players who lives on the street joined us also as well as some of Sheila's family from the area.
I talked to the Sheila's nephew most of the evening. He's 14 now and I must admit quite intelligent. He was worried about being in an adult environment but relaxed when we started talking and admitted in the end he enjoyed it all. He's at that age now where he's too old for kid stuff and isn't really comfortable with adult environments.. that akward tween-teenage period where you feel you fit no where. For some reason though he seems to like to talk to me about things and he has a ton of questions and interests that he seems to just wants to get off his chest. He told me he like our discussion because his friends "no nothing" other than Gaming and food.
That late night fog settled in over Ottawa so Christmas eve was eerily silent. There was a light rain falling as we went back home around midnight.
Christmas morning came up fast after a sound night's sleep. I was the last up but I have to confess I get deep into Dan Brown's Angels & Demons and found myself coming downstairs around 8:30am... to the sounds of "FINALLY" from the kids, LOL... oh well..
Since they have grown up quite a lot over the year it wasn't the mad house it used to be when they were little kids. Sheila, her dad & I exchanged gifts on the 23rd actually so we wouldn't have to bring them up in the car. With the dog taking up the whole back of the SUV there isn't much room in the end once she's in place. Her family gave me a portable Ipod speaker set which was really nice. The sound is quite good from the tiny setup. They liked the gifts I gave them and I think genuinely so. So cool.
The dog below was terrible. She lives for food and food alone and managed to find a plate of chocolates and other baked goods on a table and went and helped herself to it when no one was looking..
The rabbit was given to the girl at the end of all the gift openings. She faked her surprise quite convincingly. The bunny was just too cute and the dog just sniffed and watched and then got bored with her and fell asleep LOL. Turns out the bunny is a living breathing poop machine. It was leaving little poop pellets everwhere all the time... I give it a year and it will be gone LOL.
Later we watched some movies on their giant screen TV. Something's Got to Give was one of them. I was poured so many Scotch's that I really can't remember the rest. It turns out I can handle liquor pretty well given the amount that was poured into me over the weekend LOL. Both Sheila and her dad remarked on it... not sure if that's a good thing or not...LOL
I called by cousin in New Brunswick for the first time in about 4 years Christmas morning. It was good to talk to her. She had sent me up a black and white photo of my parent's wedding. I'm glad she did that, not only for the photo but for getting back in touch with me. My last call to her was uncomfortable as it was around the days just after her mother's death (my aunt). She had called often when my parents were very ill but me being the self centered person I can be didn't do that in return and felt bad when I heard she died and hadn't been following it all. So I got the impression of me trying to say things too little too late and feared my last conversation might be the last I'd have with my cousin. Actually a cousin who was one of those most close to me when I was a kid. So we seemed to have cleared all that up and I feel much better about it because I always liked her and felt bad after the previous phone call fearing the worse. The only sad news from her though is she isn't talking to her brother (my other cousin also obviously) since her mother's death. Apparently there was arguing over the settlement of her will or remains (she wasn't that specific) and since then he's cut her off completely. I was stunned to hear this as I couldn't imagine these two ever coming to this point but there ya go... sometimes the most surprising things will happen. Very sad actually, I'd love to have a brother or sister and here's one case where they are so lucky to have each other and they (well he) won't talk. I hope for both their sakes and their children's sake that ends.
Regardless of my personal affaires supper was an incredible turkey. Delicious with amazing desserts which included a chocolate pecan pie that was better than sex and winning the lottery together... well, maybe not that good... but close enough. Of course everyone over ate and we all sat around after stuffed like the bird.
The hockey player and my high school friend joined us. I was more talkative than the last few times for some reason. Perhaps it was the alcohol. but it made it all the more enjoyable. Later I went and joined the kids and watched Hitch on TV. That was the movie I watched on my Swiss flight to Zurich in the summer. What a funny flick..
Anyways I slept really well although work was still on my mind. It's hard to clear it out when things aren't just right. We putted around the house this morning. I almost finished off my book which I must confess is so exciting that I just can't wait to turn to the next page..We watched Badder Santa (or was that last night too.. I think it was) that starred Billy Bob Thorton and it was pretty bad; then Anacondas this morning which was pretty good with quite a few good looking guys in it. The fear factor is this movie was pretty high. It had me on edge quite a bit.
The ride home seemed quicker. There had been a ice storm and everything was covered in ice. Too bad I was driving because the scenery was much prettier than the drive up. We stopped off at MacDonald's and arrived home in about 3 hours. All in all it was quite a nice trip.
Now I have a week off, woo hoo!