Angels & Demons vs King Kong
I finished off Dan Brown's book Angels & Demons the other day. I have to confess if was one exciting read.... Like the Da Vinci Code it started off with a murder but this time excellerated into a threatening Death experience for Vatican City....
There were many interesting characters, plot twists, on the brink of disaster moments, stunning changes in the characters and a surprise ending... You can't ask for much more. If I have any criticism it, like the da Vinci Code, tied itself up too perfectly at the end. Still you have to give the author credit for writing something that keeps you on the edge of your chair for over 500 pages... It's a must read for anyone interested in thrillers.
My Ipod's going back for repair...sigh... For some reason it's not being recognized by my PC. It's there as a seperate drive but inaccessible and not appearing on Itunes so I can't update it. The Apple technician told me to return it and they'll send me back a refurbished unit. Great... It's behaving like it's continually updating and each time I tried to format it or update it there was a message telling me it was not accessible. Sounds like a hard drive problem even though as a unit by itself it works perfectly. I Swear something simple has happened but I just don't know the solution to fix it. It's like the minute it's connected to the PC it starts updating without being recognized by Itunes so therefore occupied and inaccessible for anything else....
...I swear My Heaven will not include electricity......
I went to see King Kong last night with Sheila. This must be the 3rd or 4th remake of this classic tale of a giant Ape who falls in love with a small blond actress and is brought back to New York City to be a "freak show" on Broadway. It was three hours long and I heard from many people the first hour was boring while the remaining two very exciting. I found the whole movie excellent in fact. The first hour built up the story so yes is was less exciting but it held my attention the whole time. Once on Skull Island the excitement ripped... really, the amazing special effects blew me away and the show down with the dinosaurs was incredible. It took a more sentimental feel once they got this creature back to New York but the ending was classic Hollywood and I left the theatre feeling quite entertained. So it's worth the money, go see it if you want an exciting story played out before you.
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