Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Attacks

I was totally swamped all day today. Lauri kept flooding me e-mail from Bombardier. Nothing too major per mail but enough to keep me at my desk and away from most everything else all day. We are getting a lot done but it is tedious.

I stopped off at Rockland this evening to get my haircut and pick up a new book. I found this mother of a book.. From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present... 802 pages of reading... phew.. it will be work. It covers the development of cultural life of the so called "Western World".. major figures and events in history that have shaped the planet's cultural development. There's enough blurbs on this book to suggest it's pretty good. Sounds like heavy reading but I don't suspect it will be all that bad.

With this and other books I've read I'm trying to strengthen my understanding of history so I can better understand the world today. There are times when I feel like a tiny spec on the planet. I feel so insignificant. I know a lot about many things but I'm an expert in so little and my world is so confined to such a small group of people and way of thinking... I miss school and learning. Life now seems repetitious and empty on this level. At least with this I can better place myself in the world and feel I have a grasp of where it all began with the hopes it will give me a clue where it is all heading... for what purpose I need this I have no real clue other than to give me direction. It's a start anyhow. Most people never even open a book for pleasure these days sadly.

There were some terrible bombings in London this morning. Terrorists attacked the London Underground and some double deckker buses. Awful.. Everyday people were victimized. I have family in London but they live out in the East End or out in the country. I hope they are ok, I presume they are. To my knowledge none of them work in the Financial District where this happened. Yesterday London celebrated winning the 2012 Summer Olympics... today they are mourning an awful murderous attack on the city. CNN is already pointing the finger at Al Qaeda. I have to admit it seems to fit their pattern but nothing has been proven yet. The scenes on TV look horrible.

Anyways.. one more day to go then I'm on vacation!! woo hoo!!.. :). I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do but my alarm clock will be off and my BBQ fixed and I plan on relaxing.


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