Monday, August 01, 2005

A New Planet is Found

Hey, a once in a lifetime thing has occured here in the early 21st century. It seems astronomers have discovered a 10th planet in out solar system. It orbit is way out beyond Pluto and is apparently half as big as Pluto, the last planet to be discovered back in 1930.

This is not something that happens very often and it gives us living souls the right to put a name to it the rest of mankind will use from here on in. Kinda neat eh? (Canadianism coming through eh...) So what will we name this sucker? Right now it's named Sedna (An Inuit Goddess of the Ocean) or 2003 VB12 but it will likely get an official name sometime soon. I hope nothing too controversial (wish us all good luck on that point)... nothing specificially English or oriented to one language or culture on this planet. Nothing political (Liberty.. Democracy..) or religious (Jesus.. Christ..) or anything that will start some sort of global debate which ultimately will create even more ill will towards Americans who were the founders of the planet. The planetary scientist Californian Michael Brown in fact was the fellow who actually made the discovery.

It will come down to the International Astronomical Union to make a decision. Probably going in line with the current names based on Roman Gods;

Aesculapius God of Health and Medicine
Apollo God of Sun, Truth, Music, Healing
Aquilo North Wind
Aurora, Mater Matuta Goddess of the Dawn
Auster South Wind
Bacchus, Liber God of the Vine, Wine, Merriment
Bellona Lesser Goddess of War
Ceres Goddess of the Corn, Earth, Harvest
Cupid, Amor God of Love
Diana Goddess of Wild Things, Hunter-in-Chief
Discordia Goddess of Discord
Eurus East Wind
Fauna, Bono Dea Goddess of Fields, "Good Goddess"
Favonius West Wind
Flora Goddess of Flowers
Fortuna Goddess of Fortune
Inuus,Faunus God of Flocks, Sheep
Janus od of good beginnings
Juno Protector of Marriage
Jupiter, Jove Lord of the Sky, Gods, and Thunder,
Juturna Goddess of Springs [Water]
Juventus God of Youth
Libitina Goddess of the Underworld
Lucifer Light-bearer, Star that brings in the day
Lucina Goddess of Childbirth
Luna Goddess of the Moon
Mars God of War
Mercury God of Commerce and Market, Zeus' Messenger
Minerva Goddess of the City, Education/Science, and War
Neptune Ruler of the Sea
Pales Strengthener of Cattle
Persipina, Libera Goddess of Spring [Season], Underworld through Hades
Pluto God of the Underworld and Precious Metals
Pomona & Vertumnus Powers Protecting Orchards and Gardens
Priapus God of Fertility
Saturn Protector of the Sowers and the Seed
Sol God of the Sun
Somnus God of Sleep
Suadela Goddess of Persuasion
Sylvanus Helper of Plowmen and Woodcutters
Terminus Guardian of Boundaries
Trivia Goddess of the Crossways, the Dark Side of the Moon, and Magic
Venus Goddess of Love and Beauty
Vesta Goddess of the Hearth and Home; also Fertility(Greek only)
Victoria Goddess of Victory
Voluptas Goddess of Pleasure
Vulcan, Mulciber God of the Forge and Fire, Workman to the immortals

Lol.. Vulcan is available... not sure which one I'd pick. I actually thought the name Polo after Marco Polo might be good. Someone on CNN thought Apollo but that is a Greek God.. might still be a good one. Regardless of the God the names Aquilo, Ceres, Pales, Sol, Vesta & yes Vulcan sound like planetary names. Libitina might have an edge with an American since it sounds a bit like Libertina or Liberty.

It is kinda important. Look what happened when they namd "America" for the two continents back in the 16th century after their so called discovery. Although Columbus wasn't the first man to land here (Scandinavian Vikings I believe takes that honor after having reached Labrador back in the 1200s) the Spaniards still went with the name of a wife of one of their Kings if I am not incorrect. Americas became the name for North and South America and not Columbus as was originally strived for. Imagine living in North Columbia... and you'd be a Columbian and not an American... the USA would be USC... well not all that bad I guess... but let's hope we get this right this time.

I think I like Aquilo best. It rolls off the tongue, has no really strong relevant meaning, won't insult anyone or be controversial, sounds like a planet (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Nepture, Uranus, Pluto & Aquilo... and would be universally easy to pronounce.

Anyone out there with any other suggestions or perhaps choices from what I mentioned above?


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