Thanksgiving in the Distinct Society
Well it is Thanksgiving here in Canada. I'm discovering after all these years it really is just an "English" holiday. My French Canadian colleagues don't celenbrate it at all other than by taking the day off with the rest of us. No one had any special plans and turkey wasn't on their menu for the weekend... and when I stopped in at the Marché to pick up a pumpkin pie or something traditional for the celebration there was nothing set out specifically for "l'Action de Grace" as it is called in French. Stores in Ontario were closed while here in Quebec everything was opened as usual. In short it was a non event here.
I suppose all this is logical if you really look at it historically. The British Pilgrims started it in North America (I believe) and New France (Quebec) really wasn't following any Pilgim traditions therefore other than being absorped into a "British" colonial system once part of Canada the English tradition carried on but was never in the heart and soul of the people here. I'm just amazed it took me this long to realize it.
This is the holiday that makes me take stock of the year and what's happened so far. I see my friend's children getting much older. They aren't the cute young kids who used to run to the door in anticipation of our arrival. Now they are teenagers more interested in showing little or no interest. Not entirely but the change over has started. We are all getting older.
I look at work and wonder if I really am progressing or just stuck on an endless treadmill. I think more likely the latter actually. I'm not really all that happy at work any more. I'd like to break free of it all but now at my age it starts to become riskier than when I was younger. This is not to say it's impossible but it will take a lot of courage on my part and quite frankly that sadly isn't one of my better qualities. I'm a chicken at heart. Regardless I still have a good life by many people's standards. It's always been that way, not so awful it pushes me to change, not so bad that I get up and make a change. I'm standing right at the middle point of success and failure. I seem to excel at mediocrity.
On a personal level I've resigned myself to the fact I'll likely always be alone. This saddens me the most because deep down it does little to motivate me to try harder and grow. I have no central purpose in life. I feel like I'm stuck in neutral. However I am thankful for the good friends I do have. They are challenging though and there are days I love them from the core of my being while others where they just annoy the hell out of me LOL... I guess that's true friendship. They are good enough to stick with me but in the end it is true that all men are an island to themselves.
Anyhow hope you enjoy the pics.... of the turkey the dining room where I was at... I had a great time and quite frankly 24 hours later I'm still stuffed.
Also my grasses in my backyard that have finally bloomed. Together with the maple tree turning a beautiful redish-orange it looks pretty fall spectacular.
Given the Tsunami in Asia, the three devestating hurricanes in the Caribbean, terrorist attacks in Britain and now the earthquake in Pakistan we have a lot to be thankful for here in Canada. I can't forget the ongoing events in Darfur and the deadly effects of AIDS in Aftrica s well as the continuous trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's been one long devestating year for everyone. I hope next year is better for the planet.
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