Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Every man has his price

Ok I broke down and bought an IPod last weekend.... one of the new Video 60 GB ones... and yes it is amazing. I had lots of trouble getting it recognized on my PC but once the frustration was over and my PC still safe from my near destructive clutching hands I now love it. The video quality is amazing. I've loaded something like nearly 2000 songs on it and bought three videos. The only thing that I don't like is that ITunes really doesn't have the biggest selection, they still don't have television shows on the Canadian site to select (I wanted to download Lost and Desperate Housewives) and I find the quality of the earphones a little tinny... but overall these are minor complaints.

One thing though that gets me is when you go through your entire music collection and look at what you've bought over the years it really is reavealing about yourself and a little scary. I have the weirdest collection of CD's. Everything from candy pop, Alternative, Latin, World, Rap, New Age, Classical and Jazz and more... Ok I was robbed back in 1999 or 2000 and had to make a whole new CD selection so I replaced what was stolen with then more current music but man... some of it is scary... My old vinyl album collection is better really. I ended up getting a lot of Greatest Hits to kinda cover the bases but now I regret it.. however that being said I seem to have tons of CD's with one or two hits and nothing else to speak of.. literally hundreds of useless boring songs with a few gems coming from within. I wish there was a way to transfer teh vinyl to MP3 format..

There were songs I loved as a teenager but when I hear them now I want to throw up LOL... Man I don't know how today's kids are going to be when they are say 75 and harken back to the good'l days of the early 21st century singing P.I.M.P along with 50 wearing Depends and holding a cane instead of a mic... I can just see an 85 year old grandmother mouthing the words "motherfucking P.I.M.P"....with a bent over highly tatooed and wrinkled black guy trying to act tough for his retirement home homies.. Well... I'm left listening to the Carpenters and I'm no where near 75 but already feel revulsion... LOL. I guess it's like looking back at high school year book pictures... seeing the hair you should never have had, the clothes that look ridiculous now and the goofy pimpled faces that only later in life turn into something better and more appealing. Sometimes I wish man had never invented Time... still the IPod was one of his better pieces of invention.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the purchase of your new iPod. I'm jeallous because you have the video iPod - that looks pretty cool. Did you go with the black or white model?

12:24 AM  
Blogger Doug said...

Black all the way... it somehow makes the music videos even more stunning :) I just need some good music suggestions... any ideas?

7:20 PM  
Blogger Ethnicolor said...

Hmmm - depends what you're into I suppose. Seems you have a fairly wide taste in music. My latest music purchase (on iTunes) was 'Invisible Fields' by Iarla O'Lionaird. I heard a track on an Irish classical station and was hooked - it's like Brian Eno or Harold Budd or John Foxx with Irish lyrics. Beautiful, modern, delicate, thoughtful music. I'm totally not into Irish music at all, so for me it's always a real pleasure when music surprises you. Try 'A Nest Of Stars' or 'Cu-Cu-In' from that album - see if you like it.

11:06 PM  
Blogger Doug said...

Thanks for the recommendations. Unfortunately last nght my Ipod broke... egads.. I dropped it once over the holidays but it was working fine after however when I tried to connect it to Itunes last night it wouldn't connect nor t=did my PC recognize it properly. Now it has to be repaired according to Apple.. *sigh*.. oh well. So new music comes later I guess. In the meantime I'll check out your suggestions.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Ethnicolor said...

Doh! Oh well, you can still iTunes away and sync your new iPod when it get's back. My nano has been dropped, kicked, squashed and scratched out of recognition from the pristine slice of 21st century technology it once was - but still sounds great!

1:43 PM  

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