Saturday, July 09, 2005

Fridge magnets & sleep

Last night I headed out to Fresco with Sheila for supper. I was in a sleepy mood. I woke up earlier than normal yesterday morning.. around 4am and couldn't go back to sleep. I felt it in my eyes all day but by last night I guess I was tired and exhausted. I guess I really need my two weeks of vacation that starts today afterall... Anyhow the veal was good and Sheila tried to make the conversation interesting but I was only thinking about sleep.

This morning I woke up after a good 8 hours sleep which is remarkable for me... I guess my sun God was watching over me LOL..

It rained all day. The news on TV is still focusing on the terror attacks in London. It's interesting to see the differences and similarities between the US and UK reaction to all this. Shock, fright and determination to go on are a common thread. Anger at people for attacking innocent commuters without warning also. I'm sure there are a lot of people in Madrid who can relate to how people must feel in London these days. There is still a train in one of the tunnels they haven't gotten to yet. CNN though has been it's melodramatic self. Thankfully the British citizens they've shown on TV are realistic and down to earth. I've yet to tune into the BBC for comparison.

The YULAviaiton board I go on alot has been a hotbed of aggression lately. It's an aviation board for God sake yet people act like it's Extreme Fighting Ring. There's a woman on it that's taking on everyone for every comment they make that disagrees with her. Those who make valid points are dismissed by belittling them and trying to make them irrelevant. She's on a right wing war path demanding moral justice for this and that... no comprimise or acceptance of people who aren't like her. Sort of like a Dr. Laura on steroids... What gets me is why people continue to argue after a certain point. It's not like anyone is going to change their views. Aggressive arguing usually just forces people to back up their stand with even more resolve.. not seek out compromise solutions... so in effect it's pointless.

With the rain and dull weather I had nothing to take pics of today... say my moose staring back at me on my fridge and thought I'd introduce him and some other magnets to ya LOL.... so from Whistler BC my snowboarding moose;

From Veradero Cuba, my good luck rooster;

...and from Hollywood California my Grauman's Chinese Theatre replica...

Three of my favorite places I've been to in the Americas.. Vancouver for the beautiful mountains... Cuba for friendly people and California for it's unique cultural style in one of the prettiest settings in the USA.

Anyways... I'm out to Scores tonight just to get out of the house.. tomorrow it should brighten up and I've got my vacation starting...


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